13 Things We Learned in 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Before we lay 2013 to rest and welcome 2014, I would like to take a moment to recap all the things that we saw in 2013: things that were good, mistakes that should not be made again, and ponderings of what the year has shown us. Unbiased politically but probably biased in almost every other way possible, here is my list of 13 Things We Learned in 2013:

1) Google Glass is for celebrities and Google tradeshows. Seriously, is that thing ever coming out on the market? Speaking of things that won't come to fruition...
2) Drones. Amazon got us all a-flutter when they made the announcement that drones were soon to be a part of the Amazon Prime package. But unless someone comes out with really great, all-encompassing drone legislation, there are just way too many problems with this. Darn you, Jeff Bezos! I will never be fooled again by one if your hare-brained marketing schemes. Until the next one rolls around. 
3) Who runs the world? Nerds. One even single-handedly took on the NSA and FBI and won. Sort of. 
4) Apple could slap gold or a fancy new color on ice and start selling it to Eskimos. 
5) The government is NOT listening to your telephone calls. Don't be ridiculous. They just know who you are calling and when and where you are located. Oh, and they also read your Facebook messages. But calls? Nah. 
6) It is now safe to search on Google! They won't give your info away to marketers! Unless, you know, they pay enough. 
7) We realized all too well that Big Data sort of sounds like Big Brother.
8) Beyoncé does not need advertising. Beyoncé can release a CD out on social media and it can be an instant best seller. It is also true that the Earth's gravitational force actually revolves around Beyoncé. 
9) Are you are a cat with a facial deformity? Congrats! Instant internet fame! 
10) We lived through the Twerkpocalypse and we survived. I tell you what, humans are a sturdy race. 
11) Farewell, honorable Nelson Mandela. We will never forget you nor the legacy that you left behind. Except for the kids that thought you were Morgan Freeman. Sigh. If you will excuse me, I have to weep for the future now. 
12) If the government gives you millions upon millions of dollars to make a website, you should probably make it suitable for, oh, I don't know, more than 10 people to be on it at one time? Maybe you could also make all the web site options work properly? Heck, just make the thing viewable for goodness sake. 
13) Pretty much the world cried when Breaking Bad ended. And I have yet to watch a single episode (at this point, it is just my pure stubbornness and a refusal to follow the crowd, although I am 'Breaking' down fast. Breaking...see what I did there?).

Tune in next time for my interview with the makers of YAPPER App, the app I will be supporting in the Student Startup Madness, a collegiate digital media tournament at SXSW! You won't want to miss it! 

Merry Christmas from Tech-Know

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your morning was filled with family, good food and good presents!

This Christmas, the best tech gifts I got were a subscription to Wired Magazine and Roku, which will stream my Netflix to my TV.

At this rate, I will never leave my room.

What was your best tech gift this Christmas?

Holiday Gift Guide: Last Minute Shopping

Monday, December 23, 2013

I would like to say I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl. However, I am a planner of the worst sort, and I got most of my holiday shopping done in November.

Online of course.

But I understand there are many out there who wait until the last minute. Is this you? Never fear! I have a list of GREAT last minute Christmas gifts you
can send - all you need is your recipient's email address. No wrapping paper or trips to the mall needed - these gifts are all online!

Digital Audiobooks/Albums

Audiobooks, my savior during horrible traffic jams, are a great gift to give someone you know that has to commute. Audible.com, an Amazon company, is an audiobook rental website that allows you to buy a monthly subscription (one or two books a month) or an annual plan (12 to 24 books).

My favorite place to get audiobooks, the Pottermore Shop,  has all the Harry Potter books on audio at a discounted price that you can send to your friends or family via email. Go ahead, make someone's Christmas a little more magical.

This also works with iTunes albums. You can send out a Christmas album of your choosing, or even better, get someone that new Beyonce CD. Because lets be honest, Beyonce > Christmas music.

eGift Cards

The most obvious and easy last minute gifts, eGift Cards allow you to email  a gift card to that certain coworker you know that is always online shopping.

Some of my favorite gift cards include:
Barnes & Noble
Best Buy
Apple Store

Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, Amazon Prime...

For those pesky brothers/sisters that keep using your account. Or for that neighbor that is always in their pajamas every Friday night.

P.S. I'm that neighbor.

Monthly Box Subscriptions

For those people in your life that don't have time to shop, I recommend get a monthly box subscription, such as Birchbox ($10/month) for the glamazon in your life, or the Barkbox ($19-$29/month) for the lazy dog lovers on your list.

Have a friend that marches to the beat of their own drum? They would probably love Skoshbox ($12/month), a monthly delivery of Japanese candy and snacks delivered to their door. Or, for that DIY diva in your life, Lullubee ($125/month) sends a crafting kit in the mail.

The Gift of Blog

With more and more people sharing their opinions, experiences and stories these days, I would recommend you give someone the gift of a creative writing space and help them set up a blog. How? Here are a couple of ideas:

Buy them a domain name on Godaddy.com, starting at $12.99/month. GoDaddy also offers packages to help people set up their website and improve their website's search rankings.

Have a blog beginner? Help them set up a blog on Blogger or Wordpress, and then give them a gift DesignerBlogs.com, which will help them set up the look and feel of their blog.  They can either get a custom web design starting at $300, or can choose from pre-made blog templates for only $15.
certificate to

Just be careful who you give this to. The world does NOT need another gif-only site.

And if all else fails, go to the grocery store. Buy wine. Can't go wrong with that!

My Christmas Gift To You

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

As I was sitting at work today, a coworker sent me this gem that I don't think you can go with out this holiday season.

Please note that this is LIVE.

Click here for the best thing you will see all Christmas. Eat your heart out, claymation Christmas movies.

#GivingTuesday: Google Hangout-a-thon

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Black Friday, Cyber Monday....#GivingTuesday?

Google has partnered with Mashable to create the first ever Google+ Hangout-a-thon, where from 9am - 9pm today, you can see different charities present on why they do what they do.

Hear from charities like Charity:Water, Toms, Unicef, Save the Children, Happy Hearts Fund and many more. Google then makes it easy to donate using the Google Donation Shortlist, which you can simply click and go to the donation websites.

If you're like me and have been spending money on Christmas gifts and running around like a chicken with its head cut off, it feels great to give back to someone else and put my money toward those in need.

Check it out here. I promise you, its worth it!

Jennifer Garner presenting on Save the Children 

Droning On and On...Check Out What Amazon Just Announced

Monday, December 2, 2013

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced Sunday on 60 minutes that Amazon will be offering drone delivery service in the future. If you live within 10 miles of an Amazon distribution center and are an Amazon Prime member, a drone will deliver your package within 30 minutes of your order. Check it out:

What do you think about this announcement? Are droids the new delivery method of the future? 

The Places I Am Shopping on Black Friday

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Turkey Leftovers Day!

Hope all you TechKnows had a great Thanksgiving full of turkey, pies, family, and little kids saying funny things that they are thankful for. My little niece blurted out "CUPCAKES!!" as we were all going around naming what we were thankful for.

You and me both, sister.

Anyway, just when you thought you could have time to digest your turkey....Black Friday is upon us. Everything is also now online, since Cyber Monday apparently is not a thing anymore. Really, is it still a thing? Anyone? Bueller?

So, in order to save you some time with your family and football, I have scoured the internet and came up with a list of the best deals that I could find. I know, you're so welcome. You can thank me later... with cupcakes.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Hey everyone!

Please follow my blog on Bloglovin' to get regular updates!

Check it out here:

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

My Visit to the Atlanta Tech Village

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What cities make you think tech startups? San Francisco?
New York? Los Angeles?


Enter the Atlanta Tech Village, a business complex that was built to foster starting tech companies and create a tech community in Atlanta. Boasting of over 100 tech startups, the Atlanta Tech Village holds events, promotes outings and provides food and drinks to employees all in the name of "creating engineered serendipity". The premise behind this goal is to create opportunities for intelligent people to collaborate and come up with even better ideas, no matter what company they may be working for at the time.

In other words, by creating a roof under which a density of tech companies can live, more ventures could come from accidental idea collaboration. 

At the heart of it all is tech entrepreneur and Kevy CEO, David Cummings. After selling his successful marketing automation company, Pardot, Cummings came up with the idea for a cloud-integration software company and this tech community - seemingly simultaneously. His new company, named Kevy, is housed in the Tech Village, and its president, Ed Trimble, was my tour guide for the day. 

Me, Ed Trimble and Brooke Beach, Kevy Marketer, in front of the Kevy mascot

Startup Space

With all the buzz around this new space, many companies are asking how they can get involved.  But, as Ed pointed out, the Tech Village started filling spaces through the word of Twitter and its website.

"Atlanta Tech Village is only 10 months old," Trimble stated, "and is already the largest co-working space in the Southeast. We didn't really advertise, people found out about it through word of mouth marketing, which shows that there was a big pent up demand for a space like this."

Don't mind me, just getting a little work done
Between the fun, quirky decor, the relaxed atmosphere, the great Buckhead location and the multitude of employee benefits, it's not hard to see why people are scrambling to work here.

Want to work while exercising? Try the treadmill with desk space for your laptop.

Need to take a private call? Try one of their small meeting rooms with an Atlanta theme in each.

Need to get around Buckhead? Take one of the Razor scooters that are provided for employees to borrow.

One of the mottoes of Atlanta Tech Village is "work hard, play hard", and the Tech Village makes sure to do just that. From cardio yoga classes, rock climbing outings to fencing classes, the Tech Village makes sure that there are plenty of opportunities for companies and employees to interact and get to know each other.

Event Space

Atlanta Tech Village hosts several events each week, all focused on helping startups break ground in Atlanta. Every Friday, there is a Startup Chowdown, where ATV provides lunch and allows guests and employees to mingle. Also on the calendar is a Pitch Practice, where startups can bounce their ideas off of each other and perfect their pitching points for sales.

There is also an iOS Developer Study Group, countless award ceremonies, and a Google Developers meetup. You can visit their website for more information on what's coming up soon!

Under Construction

Currently, the Tech Village is under a lot of construction. Cumming's vision includes more space for events, meeting spaces and places businesses to settle into, and even a life-size chess board on the front lawn. This blogger is very excited to see the changes happening in the Atlanta tech community, and will look forward to seeing the building after construction. Who knows? Maybe I will be invited back to document the grand opening after all the construction is done - we'll see! *Crosses fingers hopefully*

Want to see more pictures of my behind-the-scenes tour? View the slideshow below!

What do you think about the Atlanta Tech Village? 

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Broadcast to Bring You....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

With art, you always have someone in every medium that pushes the envelope and creates something entirely new and unheard of; artists who try to take some ordinary substance and turn it in to extraordinary pieces of art.

It is no different with social media. As technology progresses, people are finding different ways to use the social media forums given to them to create something the world has never seen before.

These pioneers have done just that. Some have used apps, others have used Tumblr, all producing content that is unique and never-before seen. Enjoy!

Didn't get enough Halloween? Check out the new app Haunting Melissa (iOS). The Producer of The Ring and Mulholland Drive created this ghost story video series that will give you chills. Episode by episode, you will learn the whole story, and experience twists and turns along the way. The interactive story will even let you snap in-app pictures and upload them to Instagram, to make sure you creep out all your friends.

The first app of its kind, Haunting Melissa may change the way producers share their content in the future. Instead of creating a mini-series for TV, more and more video series may show up as interactive apps, which allow for audience participation as well as social interaction. I mean, come on. You know you want to post the creepy ghost pics on your Instagram, tell them that its real and scare the beejezus out of your followers.

You know I will. 

Want more eeriness? Listen to the podcast Welcome to Night ValeSet in a small desert town, the podcast is played as a radio show that points out the mysterious goings-on, from unexplained lights overhead to disappearing aircraft to bizarre neighbors. Read like a radio show broadcasting the news to this small town, this podcast has become wildly popular due to its original content and dead-pan humor. 

The podcast started a wave of entertainment personalities using podcasts as a story-telling device, rather than simply for interviews, education, marketing or news casting. Like the radio programs of old, podcasts have been rebranded to story-telling devices, and this story...may make you weary of small desert towns from now on.

Humans of New York is a Tumblr profile that takes photo blogging to a whole other level. What started as one man's project to create a photographic census of New York turned into a series of photographs and short stories about the unique people of New York. 

Unique New York. Say that five times fast. 

Instead of the normal memes and Harry Potter/Mean Girls mashups you regularly see on Tumblr, Humans of New York uses the photo sharing platform to tell mini stories about people he encountered. Potentially, more and more people could use Tumblr  to facilitate photo-journalism and news bullets.

Not that I'm hating on Harry Potter/Mean Girls mashups.

Speaking of great Tumblr users, Electric Literature is an indie publishing company that has revolutionized the book publishing process. Instead of traditional book printing, Electric Lit makes releases eBooks as well as a magazine called Recommended Reading that can be seen on either their app or on Tumblr.

They were also the driving force behind author Ricky Moody creating an entire short story simply using Twitter.  Charged with the task of creating a story using a series of Tweets, Moody wrote "Some Contemporary Characters", a tale of two online daters whose date does not succeed. Unlike other stories that have been produced using Twitter, Moody wrote this with Twitter in mind, using the social media platform to create these two characters and develop their personalities to the readers. Even thought this project was met with a lot of media backlash, Electric Literature became well known and succeeded in gaining many interested readers.

Question: where can amateur film makers go to market their movies and connect with their fanbase? Look no further than Chill, a website that will advertise and distribute your movie, and allow fans to follow their favorite producers. If someone produces a mini-series, Chill will email their viewers to alert them of any upcoming episodes or to sell any merchandise made for the movie. They have revolutionized the way that movie makers are able to distribute their content: no longer having to show their groundbreaking footage for free on a shaky YouTube platform.

These are just a few examples of some social media pioneers. Do you know of any not shown on this list?   

HaPpY BiRtHdAy GoOgLe!!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy 15th birthday, Google! From all of us Google fans out there, you have made our lives easier and more complete.

Keep doing what you do, Google.

In honor of Google's birthday, I have decided to give you a list of my favorite Google easter eggs - that is, fun things you can do with the Google homepage, as well as some Youtube, Google Earth and Google Hangout. Seriously, pull up the Google homepage now and get to searching. You WON'T regret it.

Google Homepage

Google in 1998: In honor of their birthday, Google just came out with the "Google in 1998" easter egg. Just enter those words into the search bar and get a blast from the past.

Google Gravity: Click this link to have your Google world come crashing down: http://www.mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google-gravity/

Askew or Tilt: Search "askew" or "tilt" then try really hard not to tilt your head. 

Barrel Roll: Search "do a barrel roll" or "z or r twice", an homage to the video game Star Fox 64.  

Google Interfaces: Google has made different interfaces over the past years. Here's one for pirates, one for the Swedish Chef from the Muppets, one for hackers, and one for those who are more pig latin inclined


Beam Me Up, Scotty: Search these words in your YouTube box for an out-of-this-world surprise.

Use The Force, Luke: Enter these words in your search bar to control your screen using the force. 

Ponies or Bronies: If you enter "ponies" or "bronies" in the YouTube search bar, YouTube will not only pull up "My Little Pony" videos, but ponies will come prancing across your screen. Ummm...yes please. 

Google Hangout 

/ponies: If you enter "/ponies" in your chat bar, a pony will run across your Google Hangout. Copy and paste for a whole stream of ponies. OR...
/ponystream: is for if you want a pony stream across your screen and your screen only. 

/shydino: "/shydino" will make a cute dino run across your chat and hide. 

/pitchforks: Like angry mobs? well "/pitchforks" is for you! Enter it in your chat, and an angry mob will run across!  

Google Play 

Unicorns: If you don't enter anything in the search box and click search anyway, Google Play will direct your search results to "unicorns".

What are your favorite Google easter eggs? Let me know! 

Reliving your childhood? There's an app for that.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hey lovely techknows! I apologize for being MIA lately, I have had work project after work project, then a car accident...sigh. I could do with a vacation right about now.

Anyways, in order to apologize for my absence, I have decided to scour the internet for apps that would remind you of your childhood.

These apps are a serious blast from the past. Be prepared to go buy them instantly and then spend the rest of the afternoon raising your Tamagotchi. Yeah, you read that right. 

For those of us who could never keep our Tamagotchi alive for more than a couple days, there is an app that will let you vindicate your poor virtual pet keeping skills. After all, we're older now right? Tamagotchi Life (Android & iOS)  helps you relive the days of feeding your Tamagotchi under your desk so that the teacher couldn't see. Not like I did that...or anything...

For those who spent their afternoons in the arcades as kids, Atari's Greatest Hits (Android & iOS) might be the app for you. Relive the golden age of gaming, where pixelated spaceships were your worst enemy. And no quarters needed! 

90s kids, level with me. You always took your mom's Nokia phone and played Snake on it, right? I mean, that game was hours upon hours of entertainment. And you only needed the numbers 2,4,6 and 8 to play it. Now you can download Snake Classic (iOS), an app remake of the game that even includes phone number controls! I feel 13 again. 

And just where would your childhood have been without your favorite rainbow accesssories? That's right, Lisa Frank has an app. Two, in fact.  Lisa Frank Pic n' Share (Android & iOS) and Lisa Frank Zoom n' Color (Android & iOS) help you reenter that rainbow technicolor world you know and love. Pic n' Share lets you set the scene by dragging and droping Lisa Frank characters into backgrounds of your choice. Zoom n' Color is a virtual coloring book that lets you choose your paint color to fill in a Lisa Frank picture. Warning: looking at Lisa Frank for more than a couple minutes at a time may cause over stimulation and serious migraines. Like, was it really THIS technicolored when we were little? SHEESH.

Dysentery, ahoy! Remember Oregon Trail (Android & iOS)? Once again, make decisions for your pioneers as they cross treacherous trails and rivers to tame the frontier. But seriously, what is dysentery? And why did EVERYONE always die from it?!

There was nothing more stressful as a kid as Frogger (Android & iOS). Keep your frog alive as you hop across the highway once again with this free app.

Know of any other apps that remind you of your childhood? Seriously, when are they coming out with a channel that just plays vintage Disney Channel movies and "All That" reruns?! 

Going to the Movies

Monday, August 26, 2013

Whether its staying in with a bag of popcorn or going out to the theater, horray for Hollywood! I love movies, especially anything that involves Pixar, Disney, happy endings and brightly colored shiny things to hold my attention.

Nobody claimed I wasn't a seven-year-old trapped in a 23-year-old's body.

However, the movie experience can be made even MORE enjoyable through...what, class? Anyone? Bueller?

That's right, technology! There are so many apps and websites that will make sure you get the right movie-going experience or chose the right movie. After all, movies are like, $20 now. It would almost cost you the same to see a bad movie as it would to buy a plane ticket and go throw tomatoes at the director/screenwriters house.

I'm just saying.

To start, you need the basics of movie-going apps. Apps like Fandango (Windows, Android & iOS) will tell you what is playing in a theater near you. It will also let you preview the movie and buy movie tickets right from your phone. So when the midnight premiere of the new Superman/Batman movie with Ben Afflek goes on sale, you will be able to buy tickets before everyone else!
Just kidding, no one will be there.

Speaking of bad movie decisions, Rotten Tomatoes by Flixster (Windows, Android & iOS) is a movie rating app that shows you what the critics think about a certain movie (is that an actual job? movie critic?) to what rating actual moviegoers gave it. Save yourself some time and read what other people say about the movie you are thinking of seeing. Just watch out for the spoilers!

RunPee (Windows, Android & iOS) wins the award for Most Useful App That No One Actually Knew They Needed. Seriously. Turn this app on at the start of your movie, and it will tell you the best times to go use the little girls/boy's room. It will tell you how much time you have to make it there and back, and will give you a synopsis of what you missed while you were gone. I always have to pee during movies (darn you, 40-0z jumbo soda!) so this app is the best invention, hands down.

We all know the feeling: "O darn. That guy, that was in that movie...the guy with the hair....and the teeth! You know the one I'm talking about!" Breathe easy, my friend, and iMDB that ish (Windows, Android &iOS). It has saved me many a times from only remembering the name of that actor/actress 30 minutes after the conversation has ended, believe you me.

Not sure what to Netflix? Try Movie Twist (Android & iOS). This app allows you to type in the name of a favorite movie and will recommend other movies that are similar to that one. Or click "explore" and tell the app how much of the following characteristics you want in your movie: loving, funny, violent, thrilling or clever; and it will also give you great recommendations.

Except "White Men Can't Jump". Stop giving me that recommendation, darn it!

For those who want a different movie watching experience, Chill is a website that was created for those lesser-known filmmakers to exploit their talents, allowing users to rent and watch their movies, and then support their projects. Chill is equal parts Kickstarter and Pinterest for movies, and some movie projects even have a merchandise store, so you can wear your support. It is definitely worth taking a look at on a slow Friday night.

Also, I need this.

What are some of your favorite movie apps? Comment below to let me know!

Most Distracting Apps

Friday, August 16, 2013

Warning...do not open these apps at work. Productivity will go down 100%.

These apps are oddly addicting and will be just what you need on that long car ride to the beach or when your Grouper date won't stop talking about his/her job.

I mean seriously, I don't really care how drunk you got at your company's Christmas party. I really don't.

Dots (iOS, Android & Kindle Fire) because, really. Dots is the best thing ever. Who came up with a game of connect-the-dots and made it so darn addicting? You will do this for HOURS and come out of it realizing: What the crap have I accomplished today?! Answer: nothing, but you sure had fun doing it. And it just came out on Android and Kindle Fire. Dots party!

Zillow (iOS, Android) - This one may be for the older crowd, but does anyone know WHY looking at all of the houses for sale around you is so much fun? And why I do it everywhere I go? Most. Distracting. Real. Estate. App. Ever.

Knotch (iOS) and Seesaw (iOS) are great time-spending apps for the opinionated among us. Knotch lets you judge a topic hot or cold by color coding it - red for hot, blue for cold, and any color in between. Pick the color based on how you feel about the topic, and make a comment along with it to explain your choice. Seesaw allows you to ask either "yes or no" or multiple choice questions to a multitude of people. Pick pictures to go along with your question, and sit back and let people answer. You can also browse and answer other people's questions.

We all know about Pinterest  as a distraction, but for the DIY-ers among us, craftgawker (iOS) is like a Pinterest just for crafts. In fact, the company that makes this app, gawkerverse, has specific apps for any of your interests, such as foodgawker, stylegawker, weddinggawker and dwellinggawker. So...gawk away.

For those of us who like funny pictures/memes, check out apps like the Chive (iOS, Android) or Buzzfeed (iOS, Android).

What are your favorite apps to open when you are bored? 

Best Vines You Need to Follow - NOW.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hopefully by now you should all know about the social media app Vine (because after all, I did post about it here first). If not, let me give you the 411.

Vine is a video sharing site that lets you take 6-second videos and post them to a feed to share with your friends. Its sort of like a moving Instagram.

How good can videos that only last 6 seconds get? See for yourself. I have compiled a list of my favorite Vine users with a little help from the Facebook group Best Vines and Mashable.


Yves Das

Jethro Ames

Ian Padgham






Jerry Purpdrank:

KingBach and watch this and this

Brandon Calvillo

Jerome Jarre and watch  this



David Lopez

And these Vines that tell the truth:

How I leave rooms after turning off the lights

How I feel when I close my eyes when I wash my face

If you like it, then you should've put a ring on it

Expectation vs Reality when I do the cup song

Opinion Time! Technology Tracking: Okay, or Just Plain Creepy?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Monday, an article came out in the New York Times about the future of apps. It stated that apps of the future will be more like "personal assistants", and will be able to instinctively know what you need, when you need it. How? The answer is simple: the app would go through your calendar, emails and personal conversations.

Apps will see that you discussed meeting up with someone, for example, will be able to recognize this, and ask you questions like "You are free Monday night, would you like to schedule this then?" or "Here are a couple of top rated seafood restaurants in your area, would you like me to make you a reservation?"

Having been both a personal assistant and techie, I was intrigued by the idea, even excited about it. After all, I had once been privy to private emails, calendars, bank accounts and passwords of someone, why would placing that trust in an app be any different? Soon after, though, the words of Mr. Weasley in the second Harry Potter book came to mind: "Never trust something if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

I emailed the article and asked for a couple of my coworker's responses. Most of them were negative. "I want to go back to writing letters", one coworker stated, "Apps can't read those." "Creepy," another one added. "Definitely creepy."

Paid or sponsored advertising, also known as direct marketing, is a big issue as well. Companies will pay Google or Facebook to advertise to those who search for certain subjects or talk about certain things on their social media profile. For example, say that you search for "pet stores". Immediately, Google will give you all the pet stores in your area (which by the way, is another way of it tracking you).

But lets say you click out of that search and go to read an article somewhere. Google still has in mind that you searched for pet stores, and ads will continue to pop up on different pages you go to. Google knows you have a pet or are interested in them, so the ads that you get will all be directed toward pet owners, or animal enthusiasts.

As privacy-invasive as this may seem, think about what you just did. You accessed a public company's website to use its resources. You used a search engine to find what you needed, a search engine that paid an employee to set up the matrices and codes in order for you to find the pet store that you wanted. You essentially waved your rights to privacy by using this resource. Think about it in terms of the law of commerce: if you want something, you have to give something in return.

My advice to people is that if you don't want to be tracked, if you don't want Facebook or Google to use your information to advertise to you, simply don't use them. They are companies trying to make money, and you are using their resources. There is no such thing as a free lunch, unfortunately. Same goes with apps. If you don't want them to track you, don't use them.

I for one am looking forward to buying apps in the future that set up my schedule. If I had a dime for every doctor's appointment I forgot....

What do you think about this issue? Is technology tracking okay in some aspects, but wrong in others? Comment below to let me know! I want to hear your thoughts! 

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Friday, July 26, 2013

Ahhh...baseball season. America's pastime. Getting a jersey tan from basking in the sun for too long and paying $20 for a water and hot dog. Is that grass and stale beer you smell?

Breathe in the memories, my friends.

These apps will help you make the most of this joyous season. That is, until football season rolls around.

At the Ballpark (iOS & Android) is probably one of the most useful apps for baseball game attendees. Created by MLB.com, you can use it to upgrade your seats once you enter the ballpark, look for tickets and promotions, or even buy your favorite team's merchandise from your seat.

 ESPN Radio App (iOS & Android) allows you to listen to the action even if you can't make it to the game. Personally, baseball radio announcer's voices are so soothing to me that it helps me fall asleep. So hey, if you aren't interested in baseball, you can always use this app to induce naps! Twofer!

Race to the Pennant (iOS) is for those fans who have no clue where their favorite team stands. This app will show you, in easy bar graph form, where your team is in conjunction to the playoffs.

Never been a fan of watching baseball, but love to game? Baseball Superstars 2013 (iOS & Android) will help you get into the fun! It's like Backyard Baseball for the grown up set.

MLB.com At Bat (iOS & Android) is the best app for all-encompassing baseball goodness. Whether you want to watch live games, look at stats or read baseball news, this is the best app for baseball fans everywhere.

Just make sure to look out for flying bats. And no, I don't mean the sky rodents:

If I Can, You Can Do It Too!: YouTube Edition

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ever seen those awesome company YouTube channels and wondered how amazing it would be to be able to make something like that? Well, trust me, if I can do it, you can do it too. Seriously!

My company, PGi, handed over their corporate channel to me with the request that I update and organize it. Through the experience, I have gotten a first-hand account about what it looks like to

First things first: Content. Content. And more content.

This day in age, EVERYONE in marketing will tell you that content is king. Creative and engaging content differs your company from your competitors and will help get your company's name on everyone's mind. "But Tech-Know", you say, "I work at a (insert random company name here) and I don't NEED content or a YouTube channel!"

Oh really? Let me turn your attention to blender maker Blendtec. This company has a line of professional-grade home blenders that hadn't really caught on in the market due to their higher-than-average price. However, the company started a YouTube channel called "Will It Blend?", which showed, with witty dialogue and themed posts, a man blending household items with the powerful Blendtec blender. Due to a growing response, Blendtec started making "Will It Blend?" vidoes with Apple products, video games and even pool cues all meeting their maker by being blended up in a Blendtec blender. Each video they make has over 1,000,000 views and countless views per day. On Amazon, each Blendtec product now has 500 comments or more from their growing fan base on YouTube.

Second helping: Make it pretty.

As much as I would love to tell you that looks don't matter, we are a shallow species. And to catch our attention, we must have something bright, something bold and something that looks good.

At least when it comes to marketing.

There are three key pieces to your YouTube channel that you must coordinate. Your background, your banner, and your key video. These three sections will be the first impressions that your viewers will have of your channel. The background and the banner must mesh well together, and your key video will play automatcially when someone enters your site, so it must be catchy and attention-getting.

Next: Organize your stuff.

The first step to organizing your page is to organize your videos into playlists. The more you organize your videos by content, the easier it will be for your viewers to find your videos. Next, go to the "add a section" button at the bottom of your channel, and add your playlists as sections on your page. It will create these nice little lists of videos that appear on the front page of your channel.

Play with your channel design and content until you add more viewership. Make sure to look at the "Analytics" section on your page to monitor what videos are getting views, how many people are viewing your channel, etc. Feel free to comment your questions below!

Some people who are doing it right:

PGi (if I do say so myself)
Kraft Cooking School (although you can't go wrong with food)
And of course, Blendtec

Apps for Your 4th of July Vacation

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Most people think vacation is the time to toss the technology and enjoy all the surprises and nuances nature has to throw at you. I mean, all of the technology buzzing around your head is why you wanted to get away in the first place, correct?

Well the Type A personalities of the world say nay. You can use your phone to see what the weather will be like, what the best times are to do that outdoor activity that you have been wanting to do, when to apply sunscreen, etc. Heck, there are even shark trackers. 

Essentially, your phone can be your lifeline to a vacation with no sunburn, not getting rained on, and not getting eaten by a 16-foot Great White Shark. I mean, God Bless America, amiright?

Coppertone MyUV Alert (Android & iOS) gives you local UV forecasts, allows you to set your own "reapply sunscreen" reminder, and recommend a product based on each family member's skin type and activity level. Save the red for your 4th of July decorations, not your skin color.

Foresee (iOS) is a weather app that lets you see the future. First, pick your location and a couple of activities that you want to do (for instance: running, swimming, wakeboarding, etc) then pick your ideal conditions and time of day that you would like to do these activities. It will then tell you the best times to go do your activity, depending on your preferences.

What;s the Fourth without a little fireworks? These apps: Fireworks (iOS) and Fireworks Touch Free (Android) will help you get in the celebratory mood even if your fireworks show gets rained out.

Grill Guide (Android & iOS) is a must if you planning on grilling out this Independece Day. Choose your food from their extensive food list and let the app tell you how long to grill each item, and how hot your grill should be.

Global Shark Tracker (iOS) lets you know where sharks have been recently by tracking over 30 sharks that Ocearch has tagged. This is helpful for those of us who still have nightmares from watching Jaws as a kid. Shudder.

And for the love of George Washington, please read up on your Independence Day history. We did not declare independence from China.: 

Little Kiddies

Thursday, June 27, 2013

While in college, my naive little self wrote this paper about how technology was effecting children and why parents should stave off introducing their children to iPhones and iPads until they were out of their crucial development phase. And it was a great theory.

Let me reiterate that: THEORY.

Because when you are taking care of a little one, and that little one refuses to just sit down FOR FIVE SECONDS, that theory goes out the window. And in comes the shiny, loud, distracting and beautiful piece of machinery that will save you from having to chase the toddler away from the knife drawer for the fifth time today.

Not that I would know about such things...ahem. Moving on.


Animal Sounds for Baby (iOS) by Fisher Price is an interactive game that helps your baby learn animal names and the sounds that they make. Babies can tap, tilt or shake the screen to make the animals move.

Peekaboo Barn (iOS & Android) is another animal app that is sort of like playing hide-and-go-seek with animals. Once they see the animal, the name of the animal pops up on the screen. You can play in either Spanish or English. Check out the jungle and the forest versions too!

It's a Small World App (iOS & Android) is a beautiful app by Disney that lets your baby explore the world without ever having to leave home! Using beautiful illustrations and the familiar songs, your baby can navigate from country to country learning how to say "hello" in various different languages.


Toca Birthday Party (iOS) allows your child to play birthday party on your iPhone or iPad, complete with cake cutting, drink pouring, table setting, present opening, etc. Recommended for ages 3 and up, this app is perfect for the child that likes to play with their food.

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox (iOS & Android) - help the monkey pack his lunch by completing challenges. The challenges will help teach toddlers colors, motor skills, counting and will help tone up their memory. An adult might want to help though - some of the challenges can be mighty tough for little minds!

School Age

Crayola ColorStudio HD for iPad - Even though you have to buy the iMarker to work the app (it goes for around $20 in various stores), I have heard from many parents that this app is worth it. Kids can draw, paint, color and snap a picture of their face, then draw around their face. Ummm...who would judge me if I got this app for my 23-year-old self?

WATCH Disney Channel App (iOS) - Kids LOVE Disney Channel, and now they can watch it whenever, where ever they want. Download this app for at least 30 minutes of peace and quiet, guaranteed.


Netflix - Seriously, take this time that your kids think they are too cool for you for granted and hand them a Netflix account. They will be entertained all day watching their favorite shows, season after season. Just make sure to put parental locks on it. You don't want them downloading anything they shouldn't!

For the Kid in All of Us

Candy Crush Saga (iOS, Android) is the single most addicting game. Seriously. Proceed with caution. Match up candies in a row to get rid of the candies, and advance through the 300+ levels. This game can take A LOT of your money before you know it (I kept buying lives!) so watch out!

My DisneyWorld Experience App (iOS, Android) - because you know you love Disney World. Don't lie. This app will help you navigate the park easier, will tell you when fast passes are sold out and will even find the location of your favorite characters you meet (wait up, Cinderella!). You are also able to pass information back and forth from app to app, so have the whole group download the app to stay together.

This is my niece's favorite YouTube video. I dare you to watch it and then try not to get it stuck in your head. It won't work. You will be singing "Baby Beluga" to yourself for the next five years.:

What apps do you use to entertain kids? Do you let kids play on your smartphone or tablet?

I've Been Nodding My Head And Smiling At...The New iOS 7 Features

Thursday, June 20, 2013

iPhone iOS 7 interface by Apple
Hello all my techies! Welcome to the portion of TKTN called "I've Been Nodding My Head and Smiling At...", where I explain something you may have just been nodding your head and smiling at when it comes up in conversation.

That's just the kind of person I am, you are so welcome.

Now, If you know anything about the tech world, you should know that everyone is absolutely going ape poo over the interface changes on the iPhone with Apple's next update. It seems everyone is on one of two sides: the side that is excited about the simplicity of the new look, or the side that thinks Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave right about now.

Let me back this up a bit to give you a greater understanding.

On June 10th, Apple announced its plans for the new and improved iOS 7 download at its Worldwide Developer Conference. They unveiled a whole new look for the iPhone interfaces. Gone are the 3D-looking icons: they are being replaced with flatter, simpler looking icons that are in an updated color scheme. iPhone's interface is going technicolor.

Many say that this is going against the direct wishes of Steve Jobs, who had approved the older icon designs personally. As he put it, he wanted the 3D icons to be so attractive that they would make people want to "lick them"* (no, seriously, he said that).  While not exactly lick-able, the flatter icons add a simplicity to the iPhone user interface that rivals that of Android and Windows phone, just as the Apple creative directors wanted.

Want to know more about the iOS 7 changes? Check out some of these highlights:

Control Center

The Control Center is a swipe-up menu that has certain settings features, like Bluetooth connection, wireless connection and Airplane mode. You can also control your music from the Control Center, as well as a new feature called Airdrop.


In answer to other smart phone's share capabilities, you will be able to share content with other iOS 7 users through the Control Center. It will also let you know which iOS 7 users are nearby, making content sharing easy and fast.

iTunes Radio

iTunes Radio, like Spotify, Pandora, etc. will enable you to chose songs to stream, and will allow you to choose radio stations based on your music choices.

And finally, my favorite iOS 7 feature rumor:

Blocking cell phone numbers by using your phone

Instead of having to call the phone company to block a number from your phone, there is a rumor going around that you will be able to block someone's number directly from your phone. THAT WOULD BE SO HANDY. Seriously.

For more information, check out this video that Apple released:

What do you think about the new iOS 7 functionalities? 


And The Winner Is....

Friday, June 14, 2013

This week TKTN celebrated the 500th pageview by giving away a free May Design Notebook.

So I had my coworker and lovely assistant, Kurtis Tolliver, pick the winner's name from a paper bag (ok, a Dunkin Donuts bag).

And the Winner is....

Cassidy Hoffman!!

Cassidy chose the Anchors notebook, a lovely choice. Congratulations Cassidy!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Image from Hemaia Group
Thank you, thank you, kind readers. You are the reason that I blog and the reason for my general spike in ego in the past few weeks.

KIDDING! Sort of.

Anyhoo, in honor of my 500 pageviews, I have decided to let you in on my secret life of blogging. How do I keep track of so many apps? How did I get started? What are my next steps? I will let you in on these secrets....AND MORE.

Tools of the Trade

First, I will let you take a look at the tools that I keep in my Batman-like utility belt. I can't really show you my computer, because:
A) I switch between a Macbook and a Thinkpad, so I feel like I'm playing on both sides of the PC-Mac debate. My life is so political.
B) Neither one are anything fancy to look at. I have plain old everyday laptops. So I will show you more interesting pictures, like:

My iPhone screen. Here you can see I have sectioned my apps off into many little categories like the type-A freak that I am.

Here is my social media folder, which contains my MOST USED social media applications. I have the blogger app so that I can literally do crazy things like blog in the waiting rooms at doctors offices or in the middle of long, boring meetings. Just kidding, boss! I don't really do....that....ahem. Moving on.

Here is my pretty To-Do List book that I designed from May Designs, in my favorite chevron print. It helps me create lists of blog posts and keep track of each posting.:

And of course, my copy of the NYTimes and my coffee. There's not a better start to a morning than with a newspaper and a coffee. Especially when its the free Starbucks coffee that I get when I drop my dog off at doggie daycare.

Now there's a first world sentence if I've ever seen one.

Of course, I always trust on my handy websites for information. I would not be anywhere without my morning dose of Mashable and TechCrunch. Whether or not you work in a tech industry like me, you can greatly benefit from these two websites. TECHNOLOGY IS EVERYWHERE, people!!! Our lives have turned in to I, Robot whether we like it or not. Embrace it.

How I Got Started

In order to get the BEAUTIFUL blog background you see here today, I went to Designerblogs.com where they have many blogger templates to choose from for only $15.

To add your background:

  • Get the file or the HTML code from your receipt, which Designer Blogs will email to you. 
  • On your sidebar, go to "Template" 
  • Then, go to the "Edit HTML" bar underneath the "Live on Blog" box. 
  • Enter the HTML code you received from your blog site.
  • NOW, START BLOGGING. Remember to always promote your blog on EVERY social media site you own. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (one that everyone easily forgets), Google+, etc. Make sure you keep your friends and family engaged by asking them questions, and if you ever get an idea from someone, make sure you give them credit! Don't be an idea moocher!
Coming Next: 

In order to keep my blog going, I have decided to add social media accounts. This means I will be adding a Facebook page for TKTN, adding a Twitter account, etc. that my loyal readers can follow and get tech updates on the fly. Make sure you are on the lookout for these accounts, you won't be dissapointed. I promise!  

I would like to thank everyone who takes a slice out of their day to read my blog posts. You have made this little project of mine so worthwhile, and I am humbled by each positive comment I receive. You guys are the best!


Simply input your email address in the "Follow By Email" box in the upper-left hand corner, and then comment underneath this post "chevron", "flowers" or "anchors" as to which notebook you want by Friday, June 14th. One winner will be drawn randomly! Good luck!